Iberia and Rest of World

A multinational risk consulting group and strategic growth platform for the Portuguese-speaking world and beyond.
Portugal’s largest insurance broker
Leader for insurance and risk management solutions in Brazil
Founder of global network of 130+ independent brokers

MDS Group

MDS Group is a leading insurance broker and risk management advisor across the Portuguese-speaking world and Europe. Founded over 35 years ago, MDS is headquartered in Porto, and has offices in Lisbon and 13 other locations across Portugal. It is the largest independent broker in Brazil, and also operates in Angola, Mozambique, Spain, Switzerland, and Malta. MDS is the trusted advisor to thousands of private and corporate clients each year and is the only Portuguese Lloyd’s Broker.

D’Or Consultoria
HighDome PCC
Risk Consulting Group


Av. da Boavista, 1277/81, Piso 0, 4100-130 Porto, Portugal

Av. Dra. Ruth Cardoso, 8501 – 29º andar – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 05425-070, Brazil


Founded by MDS in 2004, Brokerslink is a global broking company that owns and manages a worldwide insurance network. It provides partners and affiliates in 133 countries with professional, innovative risk and insurance expertise alongside global market access. The Brokerslink network encompasses around 25,000 insurance professionals and more than USD $70 billion in premium.


c/o MJP Partners AG
Bahnhofstrasse 20
6300 Zug-Switzerland